Interiorismo y home staging de un apartamento en Castellón
El promotor, al residir fuera de Castellón, se puso en contacto con nosotros para confiarnos su inversión patrimonial. Un apartamento destinado a alquiler de larga estancia.
El requisito principal era conseguir un piso con carácter que generase una atmosfera elegante y que invitase al descanso. Por lo demás, se nos concedió plena libertad en este proyecto de interiorismo llave en mano. El resultado es un interior de "caractère parisien".
El requisito principal era conseguir un piso con carácter que generase una atmosfera elegante y que invitase al descanso. Por lo demás, se nos concedió plena libertad en este proyecto de interiorismo llave en mano. El resultado es un interior de "caractère parisien".
La puerta de acceso a la cocina se transforma en puerta corredera tratándola como una obra de arte enmarcada. Este "escamotage" crea continuidad en la sala de estar y confiere profundidad al espacio.
La habitación principal se concibe como si de una suite de hotel se tratara. El acolchado del cabecero, enmarcado entre dos lamas de roble, confiere elegancia al conjunto y pone en valor las mesitas lacadas en azul noche y negro.
Diseño interior y home staging: gap interiorismo
Fotografía: Ana Ferrero
Fotografía: Ana Ferrero
Publicado en: micasa
English text:
Interior design and home staging of an apartment in Castellón.
The developer, residing outside of Castellón, contacted us to entrust us with their investment property—an apartment intended for long-term rental. The main requirement was to create a space with character that would generate an elegant atmosphere and invite relaxation.
Beyond that, we were granted full freedom in this turnkey interior design project. The result is an interior with a "Parisian character."
The entrance door to the kitchen is transformed into a sliding door, treated as a framed work of art. This "trick" creates continuity in the living room and adds depth to the space. The master bedroom is designed as if it were a hotel suite. The upholstered headboard, framed between two oak slats, adds elegance to the room and highlights the nightstands lacquered in midnight blue and black.
The developer, residing outside of Castellón, contacted us to entrust us with their investment property—an apartment intended for long-term rental. The main requirement was to create a space with character that would generate an elegant atmosphere and invite relaxation.
Beyond that, we were granted full freedom in this turnkey interior design project. The result is an interior with a "Parisian character."
The entrance door to the kitchen is transformed into a sliding door, treated as a framed work of art. This "trick" creates continuity in the living room and adds depth to the space. The master bedroom is designed as if it were a hotel suite. The upholstered headboard, framed between two oak slats, adds elegance to the room and highlights the nightstands lacquered in midnight blue and black.